Hey everybody who's reading this new blog ! I want to start this post off by thanking you for checking this blog out. My names Kainoa Jacinto and I'm a completely new internet marketer. I've had many ups and downs this whole last year when it comes to making money online, but at least I'm getting somewhere right? I've noticed there's a lot of hype going on about which companies opportunity is the best. The problem is nobody does enough research to make these claims.
It would be nice if you opened up your email, saw this opportunity that was quite convincing, took your chances by paying these "guru's", and then make a million dollars like it promises you. The problem is it ain't like that at all. You're probably like me who actually fell for one of these "push-button" software programs they offer you and it sucks. Trust me, I've been there and done that so many times it really starts to make you feel down.
So I've decided to make this blog on what I believe to be legit companies that won't "B.S." you just so they can steal some money from you. On top of that, I will be letting you know how I personally make some extra income from home using some affiliate sites and programs and of course will be updating you on my progress. Hopefully one day I will master the concept of making money from home completely, so that I can share the "TRUE" secrets of making money online. But for now I can only show you how I make money from home based off my OWN experience.
(Me on left, parents on right.....ACN convention San Jose)
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